Testimonies 2019 - Forum HOTel&SPA Paris - english

Thank you Vladi!

The presentation was for you and all the “heart” you put into your Show! 
We all love you and your commitment to ‘international wellness’
Robert Henry – Founder + Principal

Vladi Kovanic many thanks for being part of the fantastic event in George V and for being jury for the Black Diamond awards for the best spa manager in Europe!

Adilia Fereira

This one day panel brings the best industry experts to share insights. Thank you Vladi Kovanic for organising this fantastic event, and for all speakers sharing their know-how and passion for the industry!
Andrea Bohlheim

Je tenais à vous remercier chaleureusement pour votre accueil hier et vous féliciter pour l’organisation de ce Forum.


This one day panel brings the best industry experts to share insights. Thank you Vladi Kovanic for organising this fantastic event, and for all speakers sharing their know-how and passion for the industry!
Andrea Bohlheim

Thanks to organiser Vladi Kovanic for the 12th Hotel & Spa Forum in Paris – Networking and high level wellness presentations at Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris hosted by Jean-Guy de Gabriac. ACCOR Took part in an interesting panel with Roger Allen from RLA on disruption along with other speakers from across France, Europe and USA.

Emlyn Brown

Veuillez accepter toutes mes félicitations pour l’excellence de votre organisation, le choix du lieu, et des intervenants.

Je vous souhaite une parfaite réussite pour le prochain congrès de 2020.

Marie-Noëlle BERRY

Dearest Vladi, I just wanted to thank you very much to allow me to speak at the event, much appreciated. I also believe that from year to year it gets better and better.

Martin R Goldmann

Très chère Vladi, ce fut un réel plaisir d’être partenaire de ce merveilleux forum qu’est le HOTel SPA, toutes, nos félicitations pour son succès, où le professionnalisme, les échanges de grande qualité,et le langage du coeur sont au rendez-vous. 

Elisabeth CONTAL et Carole BRUNEL 

I want to thank you so much for giving me a continuous opportunity to raise important issues around therapists wellbeing and a deeper meaning of the spa offer.

I had many people coming to me after our panel to say how much they enjoyed it and how important it was to talk about it.

If you wouldn’t give me and my guests a voice – it wouldn’t be possible.

I deeply appreciate your believing in me and your trust.

Thank you very much

Beata Aleksandrowicz

Liebe Vladi ,Vorab nochmals meine Gratulation zu dem absolut perfekt gelungenen Event! Es gibt wirklich keine vergleichbare Veranstaltung weltweit mit solch einer Expertendichte in so kurzer Zeit.
Es war mir eine grosse Ehre, dabei sein zu dürfen, – diesmal das erste Mal „on stage”


Chère Vladi, Je tenais à vous féliciter pour cette exceptionnelle édition 2019 qui s’est merveilleusement bien déroulée et qui a été très appréciée. Je sais l’énorme travail qui est le vôtre pour en faire un succès.


Forum Hotel&Spa unbelievable event in an amazing place Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris 12 years of touching important aspects of the industry. The best of the best panelists, the atmosphere and competition for Black and Blue Diamond Award for personality and Spa &Wellness actions! Julie Bach this award is also for you. You are my phenomenal mentor Thank you Vladi Kovanic, Jean-Guy de Gabriac, Riadh Bouaziz,Erica D’Angelo, Beata Aleksandrowicz

Anna Hencka-Zyser

Un grand merci à Forum HoTel & Spa et tout particulièrement à Vladi Kovanic de nous avoir accueillis dans ce cadre magique. Cette année encore, ce salon fut une expérience très enrichissante et nous sommes ravis de participer à ce bel événement riche en partage et en découverte.

Many thanks to Forum HoTel & Spa and especially to Vladi Kovanic for welcoming us in this magical place. This year again, this show was a very rewarding experience and we are delighted to participate in this beautiful event with a lot of sharing and discovering.

RKF Luxury Linen